2017 Weddings

As the end of the year comes to an end, I use the month of December to do a lot of reflecting and vision casting for the upcoming year.  I remember last year looking towards 2017 knowing that this year would be quite a busy one for Melissa Babasin Photography as well as our personal...

Wedding at The Willow Ballroom | Hood, CA

When you choose 10 bridesmaids and 2 of them are maid of honors and you are very close with all of them, I’d say this is a sign of someone who cares deeply & invests in her loved ones.  I know this to be true about the bride Courtney because my sister is a very...

Fausel Ranch Wedding {Josh + Kaylee}

Weddings are filled with much anticipation and emotion.  Every wedding is different and unique.  Josh + Kaylee’s wedding at Fausel Ranch Wedding was an incredibly fun day.  We walked into an environment full of laughter, loud music, drinking, smiling and hugging.  It was amazing to see how calm and supportive all of their friends and...

Wedding at The Flower Farm | Loomis, CA {Matt + Lauren}

Matt and Lauren have a pretty funny first meeting story.  So they both were working at Old Navy and Lauren got hired in to take over Matt’s position (he got promoted, not demoted)  She remembers meeting him because he was the one to train her into his position.   He arrived late that day and he...

Backyard wedding Galt, CA {Brandon + Ashley}

Brandon + Ashley have been waiting for this day for a long time.  They put so much time into planning this amazing sweet intimate wedding that I am certain they don’t know what to do with all of their time now that it is over.  These two are madly and deeply in love.  I didn’t...

ABOUT Melissa

I believe that your life has a story to tell, and I am honored to use the art of photography to help tell it.



Portland, OR




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