I am finally getting caught up on my 2018 weddings. Jonathan + Annika got married in December at La Provence in Roseville. They first met at college orientation and they both lived on the same college dorm floor so they saw each other a lot. But when they had a class together they recognized each other and sat next to each other because they had seen each other a few times before. Conversation between the two of them came super easy & they instantly hit it off!! Annika actually made the first move, she asked him to the first school dance which happened to be a girl as a guy dance, She wrote a note using a mix of binary and hexadecimal numbers that spelled out her question. Jonathan decoded it but shared with me that his heart was beating super fast knowing it was from her. He said yes and ran into her room telling Annika yes he would go with her. And they have been inseparable ever since! It was such an honor to document this fun Winter wedding. Congrats Jonathan & Annika!